Heat Pumps

Heat Pump Breakdown and Maintenance

We repair all brands and models of heat pump, both Ground Source and Air Source.

Design & Install 

The sizing and design of the system are nearly as important as a good install.

All installations are carried out by MCS-Approved engineers, making you eligable for RHI payments.

Design Teams.
Correct and thorough heat pump design is the key to ensuring a successful, efficient heat pump system.
Heat pump design is so incredibly vital as an undersized heat pump installation will never be able to meet the space heating and hot water demand of the property it’s installed in and an oversized heat pump will never be working hard enough to generate heat efficiently.

It used to be the case that heat pumps were specified based on rule of thumb, but customer, installers and relevant bodies soon realised that this was resulting into bodged installations and inefficient systems. Now, with governing bodies such as MCS in place, heat pump installers are required to justify the size of the unit proposed and adhere to rigorous installation quality.
Ensuring that heat pumps are designed on an individual, property-by-property basis is the best way to ensure that a renewable heating system will run efficiently and cover 100 percent of heating and hot water demand; design really is paramount.
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